
Author image
Alexander Bergendahl1 min read

Game API

  • Released the new leaderboards API, documentation and reference can be found here:
    • https://docs.lootlocker.com/how-to/leaderboards#what-are-leaderboards
    • https://ref.lootlocker.com/game-api/#leaderboards

Server API

  • Released the new leaderboards API, documentation and reference can be found here:
    • https://docs.lootlocker.com/how-to/leaderboards#what-are-leaderboards
    • https://ref.lootlocker.com/server-api/#leaderboards

Admin API

  • Released the new leaderboards API. Documentation and reference can be found here:
    • https://ref.lootlocker.com/admin-api/#leaderboards

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