
Author image
Alexander Bergendahl2 min read

Web Console


  • Created a new UI for the assets page and User content pages
    • Revamped looks
    • You can now filter results
    • Possible to deactivate/activate multiple assets at the same time
    • Added a card view toggle
    • The UI is now full width to support showing many columns
  • Moved the User content moderation to a new main menu item
  • Search field doesn’t expand it’s bounds on focus
  • Moved the environment selector in platform settings, so it's in line with how you switch in other places
  • Added URL's for each tab in the player page, to make it easier to link to
  • Removed the possibility of flagging UGC assets

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where we would link to player on member type leaderboards, even though that's not possible

Unity SDK

Released v1.1.39


  • Apple Refresh tokens - Signing in with Apple now returns a refresh token that can be used to refresh the sign in until it expires instead of doing the full sign in flow.

Bug Fixes

  • When a request fails, the HTTP Status Code will now be returned for inspection
  • EndSession no longer fails if called when no session is active
  • Stability work to White Label methods, also updated documentation of the methods
  • GetAssetInformation now works


  • Deprecated GetAssetInformation(string assetId, Action onComplete), is replaced by new method GetAssetInformation(int assetId, Action onComplete)
  • Deprecated StartWhiteLabelSession with password as an argument

Game API


  • Add support for Asset Variations for Heroes. This allows for using variations on Heroes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where deleting a player's profile did not delete the player's name (if provided).
  • Fixed issue resulting in moderation reports not being created

Server API


  • Add support for Asset Variations for Heroes.

Admin API


  • Added endpoint for getting leaderboard by ID

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where activating asset using /activate endpoint would not clear cache for asset list endpoints

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