
Author image
Alexander Bergendahl1 min read

Web Console


  • Added the ability to show Asset ID in asset lists.

Unity SDK


  • Summaries added to all public functions in LootLockerSDKManager
  • Added documentation for Missions
  • Added documentation for Maps
  • Renamed functions in LootLockerSDKManager, and old ones marked as deprecated, will be removed at a later stage;
    • GettingAllMissions -> GetAllMissions
    • GettingASingleMission -> GetMission
    • StartingAMission -> StartMission
    • FinishingAMission -> FinishMission
    • GettingAllMaps -> GetAllMaps
    • PollingOrderStatus -> PollOrderStatus
    • ActivatingARentalAsset -> ActivateRentalAsset
    • GettingCollectables -> GetCollectables
    • CollectingAnItem -> CollectItem
    • TriggeringAnEvent -> ExecuteTrigger
    • ListingTriggeredTriggerEvents -> ListExecutedTriggers

Bug Fixes

  • Imported samples has missing references to their scripts
  • Fixed all warnings when installing the SDK

Game API


  • Added is_public as input when uploading files to players to make API usage easier.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bad error message returned for White Label Login signups when an invalid domain key was supplied. (Thanks to Discord user @DexTex for reporting)

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