
Author image
Alexander Bergendahl2 min read

Web Console


  • Users are now able to add scores to players in leaderboards
  • Metadata added to scores in leaderboards is now visible, and updatable
  • You can now block white label users from leaderboards if they haven't verified their email
  • When creating an Asset we now remember the last Context used, making it easier to create multiple Assets in a row with the same Context

Bug Fixes

  • Improved Player list pagination positioning for better visibility
  • Improved API Key descriptions for clarity
  • Fixed issue when adding scores to generic leaderboards
  • Fixed issue where refund button was cutoff in some scenarios
  • Fixed issue where it wasn't possible to delete messages
  • Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be shown the MFA recovery code after enabling it
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to use MFA recovery codes

Game Maker Extension


  • Added a new function to include metadata when uploading a score; LootLockerSubmitScoreMetadata("leaderboardID", "score", "metadata")

Game API


  • Player names will be returned when a new game session is registered (if the user has set a name)

Bug Fixes

  • Requesting a verification email for white label users now works again, and can be requested with the users email, and not just ID like before
  • Improved error message when trying lookup a player on playerID, but sending a string
  • Improved errors when sending invalid version number in session registration

Server API

Bug Fixes

  • Improved error message when trying lookup a player by playerID, but sending a string

LootLocker.com Website

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with price calculator price using incorrect formatting
  • Fixed issue where images were covering up some text

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