
Author image
Alexander Bergendahl2 min read

Web Console

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the player pages, where players from Google and Epic Games would break the frontend.
  • Fixed an issue where Asset ULIDs would show up as changes in Game Merge, when it shouldn’t
  • Fixed an issue where creating a context, but using the default complexity, would set the wrong complexity in the backend. Issue is resolved and data has been updated for existing games which encountered this issue.

Unreal SDK


  • Epic Sign In - Added methods StartEpicSession and RefreshEpicSession, for more information go to our documentation
  • All LootLocker Responses now have an Error property (if there is an error) that is a cleaned up version of the FullTextFromServer property

Unity SDK


  • Epic Sign In - Added methods StartEpicSession and RefreshEpicSession, for more information go to our documentation
  • Added a method to register a progression without adding points to it

Bug Fixes

  • Added a client side rate limiter to avoid being blacklisted due to improper usage

Game API

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where starting sessions for Google and Epic required you to send development_mode in the request, this is no longer the case

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