
Author image
Alexander Bergendahl1 min read

Unreal SDK


  • Apple Game Center Authentication - We've added support for authentication using Apple Game Center, for more information check out: https://docs.lootlocker.com/players/authentication/apple-game-center 🍏
  • Instance Progressions - We've added a new feature called instance progressions: your asset instances can now have their own progressions 🎉
  • Add more validation when setting player names

Bug Fixes

  • Google session requests now use the correct request object

Unity SDK


  • Add support for asset instance progressions
  • Implement support for multiple Google Sign-in platforms
  • Player Files Examples added
  • Add more validation when setting player names

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue with 'Other character' methods
  • Removed unnecessary warning logs

Server API

Bug Fixes

  • We stomped out an oddly shaped bug that would cause a few endpoints to return completely empty responses in some cases. 🐛

Admin API

Bug Fixes

  • Rejoice! The Last Seen property on players have made a return and can now be relied upon again 📆

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