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Johannes Fornaeus3 min read

This week we shipped our new Base and Hero Class System, as well as the long anticipated Economy System.

Web Console


  • Our new Base and Hero Class System has launched, with a much improved UI. Find it in the Console under Systems.
  • Economy has been launched. This also brings a fresh new UI for managing your games Economy and Currencies. Find it in the Console under Content.

Unity SDK


  • Economy - LootLocker's economy system is released 🎉 With this you can now create virtual currencies, in game economies, and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

Bug Fixes

  • The LootLocker Editor extension that shipped in v1.2.6 had a few bugs that have now been fixed.
    • Primarily, the build error for a rouge [HideInEditor] decorator has been fixed
    • Adding the SDK from github url should now work
  • The new flag on messages is fixed

Unreal SDK


  • Economy - LootLocker's economy system is released 🎉 With this you can now create virtual currencies, in game economies, and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.
  • Improved Errors - The way that LootLocker tells you what's wrong has changed. Instead of the Response.Error field there's now a structure: Response.ErrorData that contains some more valuable information. Read more here: https://docs.lootlocker.com/reference/error-codes
  • Exposed method CreateHeroWithVariation to Blueprints
  • Added ability to equip global asset with the default variation for heroes
  • Added Public_UID to the authentication responses

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed build problems for Unreal Engine 5.3 when packaging for Linux

Game API


  • The Game API of course benefits from the new Economy System, allowing you to use virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

Server API


  • The Server API of course also benefits from the new Economy System, allowing you to use virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

Admin API


  • The Admin API of course also supports the new Economy System, allowing you to create virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

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