
  • Author image
    Tobias BergMarch 21, 2024


    White Label Login

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where an unrelated topbar would show on the reset password and verify user pages
    • Fixed an issue where the game logo would not show on the reset password page
  • Author image
    Tobias BergJanuary 12, 2024




    • The LootLocker Console is now response, allowing you to manage your game from any device, anywhere.

    Unity SDK


    • Refresh Remote Sessions: Remote sessions now provide a refresh token that can be used to refresh the session without fully re-authorizing.
    • Grant and Remove Assets You can now grant and delete assets from a player directly from the game if you allow it in the console.

    Bug Fixes

    • The catalog now correctly handles the pagination cursor.

    Continuous Integration

    We have significantly improved our continuous integration and testing. Here for example is the run for this release:

    Unreal SDK


    • Refresh Remote Sessions: Remote sessions now provide a refresh token that can be used to refresh the session without fully re-authorizing.
    • Grant and Remove Assets You can now grant and delete assets from a player directly from the game if you allow it in the console.

    Bug Fixes

    • The catalog now correctly handles the pagination cursor.

    Unreal Server SDK

    Bug Fixes

    • BREAKING CHANGE, moved all of the header files to the public folder. You will no longer need to use the #include "LootLockerServerSDK/Private/ServerAPI/<file>.h; include line. Instead use #include "LootLockerServerSDK/Public/ServerAPI/<file>.h;
    • Fixed uninitialized parameters
    • Added unit tests
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlNovember 17, 2023


    Unreal SDK

    Unreal SDK v3.1.0 released


    • Progression Currencies - 🪙 Currencies can now be rewarded from progressions 🎉
    • Session Leasing - 🎁 You can now lease a session on your client. You will get a url and a qr code that can be used by the same or another device to authorise the session.

    Bug Fixes

    • RemoveAssetFromHeroLoadout is working again
    • Packaging has been failing for certain platforms due to LootLockerConfig not being found. This issue has been fixed.

    Unreal Server SDK v2.2.0 released


    • Currency Progressions - Progressions can now reward currencies 🎉

    Bug Fixes

    • Documentation clarifications to balance requests
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlNovember 10, 2023


    This week we have added economy support to our progression system, meaning you can now reward currencies from any progression.

    Additionally we have also recently shipped two major updates to our SDKs.

    Web Console


    • Added support for currencies in progression rewards

    Admin API


    • Added support for currencies in progression rewards

    Game API


    • Added support for currencies in progression rewards

    Server API


    • Added support for currencies in progression rewards

    Unity SDK


    Unity SDK v2.0.0 Released

    v2.0.0 removes a lot of code that has previosly been deprecated, you can read more in our docs about what that means.

    • How you get error information from the SDK has changed. Instead of the fields hasError and Error in each response there is now a field named errorData within which all error information resides. Instead of hasError you use !success, and instead of Error you should use the fields in errorData. The exact replacement is errorData.message.
    • The field "texture" on each response has been removed (it was never used)
    • Dev Mode is deprecated, so is the "support" for deprecated api keys
    • Game ID is no longer needed for White Label Signup
    • When calling Init explicitly with parameters, then platform and onDevelopmentMode are no longer needed. The method now looks like this: bool Init(string apiKey, string gameVersion, string domainKey)
    • void StartSession(string deviceId, Action<LootLockerSessionResponse> onComplete) is removed. If you're using this method you need to switch over to the topical start session methods instead. For example if you were using this to start a session for Android, then you should now use StartAndroidSession instead. If you're unsure of what to use, we recommend Guest or White Label.
    • EndSession no longer takes deviceId as an argument, use void EndSession(Action<LootLockerSessionResponse> onComplete) instead
    • Calling StartWhiteLabelSession with email and password is no longer supported. Instead, we cache the needed information and you should call StartWhiteLabelSession(Action<LootLockerSessionResponse> onComplete). Or even better, replace the separate Login and StartSession calls with using WhiteLabelLoginAndStartSession
    • All leaderboard methods that were using the leaderboard id (integer) have been removed. You should use the methods that take the leaderboard keys instead. The reason for this is that the leaderboard key is independent across environments meaning your code can stay the same when the game releases. Affected methods are:
      • GetMemberRank
      • GetByListOfMembers
      • GetScoreList
      • GetNextScoreList
      • GetPrevScoreList
      • GetScoreListOriginal
      • SubmitScore
    • Starting a LootLocker Session from a White Label Login Token no longer needs a password in the request (LootLockerWhiteLabelSessionRequest)
    • Renamed types (deprecated the old one, use the new one)
      • LootLockerActivateARentalAssetResponse renamed to LootLockerActivateRentalAssetResponse
      • LootLockerGettingCollectablesResponse renamed to LootLockerGetCollectablesResponse
      • LootLockerCollectingAnItemResponse renamed to LootLockerCollectItemResponse
      • LootLockerFinishingAMissionRequest renamed to LootLockerFinishMissionRequest
      • LootLockerGettingAllMissionsResponse renamed to LootLockerGetAllMissionsResponse
      • LootLockerGettingASingleMissionResponse renamed to LootLockerGetMissionResponse
      • LootLockerStartingAMissionResponse renamed to LootLockerStartMissionResponse
      • LootLockerFinishingAMissionResponse renamed to LootLockerFinishMissionResponse
      • LootLockerTriggerAnEventRequest renamed to LootLockerExecuteTriggerRequest
      • LootLockerTriggerAnEventResponse renamed to LootLockerExecuteTriggerResponse
      • LootLockerListingAllTriggersResponse renamed to LootLockerListAllTriggersResponse
    • Renamed methods (deprecated the old one, use the new one)
      • GettingCollectables renamed to GetCollectables
      • CollectingAnItem renamed to CollectItem
      • GettingAllMaps renamed to GetAllMaps
      • GettingAllMissions renamed to GetAllMissions
      • GettingASingleMission renamed to GetMission
      • StartingAMission renamed to StartMission
      • FinishingAMission renamed to FinishMission
      • PollingOrderStatus renamed to PollOrderStatus
      • ActivatingARentalAsset renamed to ActivateRentalAsset
      • TriggeringAnEvent renamed to ExecuteTrigger
      • ListingTriggeredTriggerEvents renamed to ListAllExecutedTriggers

    Bug Fixes

    • The SDK will no longer cause editor versions newer than 2021 to lose their External Tools section in Preferences

    Unreal SDK


    Unreal SDK v3.0.0 Released

    v3.0.0 removes a lot of code that has previosly been deprecated, you can read more in our docs about what that means.

    • How you get error information from the SDK has changed. Instead of the field Error in each response there is now a field named ErrorData within which all error information resides. Instead of Error you should use the fields in errorData. The exact replacement is errorData.Message. Additionally the field ServerCallStatusCode has been replaced with the field StatusCode.
    • void StartSession(const FString& PlayerIdentifier, const FAuthResponseBP& OnStartedSessionRequestCompleted) is removed. If you're using this method you need to switch over to the topical start session methods instead. For example if you were using this to start a session for Android, then you should now use StartAndroidSession instead. If you're unsure of what to use, we recommend Guest or White Label. Along with this the configuration of Platform in LootLockers config file is removed.
    • DevelopmentMode is deprecated, so is the "support" for deprecated api keys. If you're using an api key that does not start with dev_ or prod_ you need to migrate from the api key you're using to a new one for continued development. You can do that here. Remember that if you have released versions of your game that are using the old API key those will continue working as long as you do not remove the old API key from the console. If you don't have released versions however we recommend that you do remove the old API key.
    • Renamed methods (deprecated the old one, use the new one)
      • GetAllKeyValuePairsToAnInstanceForAssetInstance renamed to GetAllKeyValuePairsForAssetInstance
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusOctober 20, 2023


    This week we shipped our new Base and Hero Class System, as well as the long anticipated Economy System.

    Web Console


    • Our new Base and Hero Class System has launched, with a much improved UI. Find it in the Console under Systems.
    • Economy has been launched. This also brings a fresh new UI for managing your games Economy and Currencies. Find it in the Console under Content.

    Unity SDK


    • Economy - LootLocker's economy system is released 🎉 With this you can now create virtual currencies, in game economies, and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

    Bug Fixes

    • The LootLocker Editor extension that shipped in v1.2.6 had a few bugs that have now been fixed.
      • Primarily, the build error for a rouge [HideInEditor] decorator has been fixed
      • Adding the SDK from github url should now work
    • The new flag on messages is fixed

    Unreal SDK


    • Economy - LootLocker's economy system is released 🎉 With this you can now create virtual currencies, in game economies, and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.
    • Improved Errors - The way that LootLocker tells you what's wrong has changed. Instead of the Response.Error field there's now a structure: Response.ErrorData that contains some more valuable information. Read more here:
    • Exposed method CreateHeroWithVariation to Blueprints
    • Added ability to equip global asset with the default variation for heroes
    • Added Public_UID to the authentication responses

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed build problems for Unreal Engine 5.3 when packaging for Linux

    Game API


    • The Game API of course benefits from the new Economy System, allowing you to use virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

    Server API


    • The Server API of course also benefits from the new Economy System, allowing you to use virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

    Admin API


    • The Admin API of course also supports the new Economy System, allowing you to create virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.
  • Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 29, 2023


    Web Console

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with not being able to view players using the legacy Google platform

    Unity SDK


    • GetProgressionTier - You can now get the tiers in a progression!
    • Admin extension - If you're using Unity 2021 or newer, look at a new way to manage API Keys inside Unity! You can find it under Tools/LootLocker/Menu on the top of Unity!

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the MacFsWatcher include error
    • Errors return correctly again
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusSeptember 22, 2023


    Unreal Engine


    LootLocker Unreal SDKs now support Unreal Engine 5.3 🎉

  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusSeptember 15, 2023


    Web Console

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where the price on assets could be hidden by mistake in a situation where it should be shown.

    Game API

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug was fixed which had caused duplicate white label users to be created. The duplicate users have been removed, but this means some white label users who changed their password, might have the wrong password on their user now.

    Admin API


  • Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 8, 2023


    Web Console


    • Users will be asked to confirm their game name on game deletion as an extra precaution

    Unity SDK v1.2.5


    • Meta/Oculus - Added support for authentication using Meta/Oculus
    • Last active authentication - You can now query the SDK through GetLastActivePlatform() to see which authentication method was last used on this device
    • Heroes - The SDK now supports interaction with the hero feature.
    • List Player Characters - A new method to list all the characters that a player has
    • Improved error messages - We are revamping how we deal with error messages (See and the SDK now supports this structure. This means that the old Error data (response.Error) has been deprecated, the same data now lives inside the field response.errorData.message. Along with it, you now have the new fields code, doc_url, request_id, and trace_id for improved ability to find the fix for your problem.

    Unreal SDK v2.0.11


    • Multiple Google Platforms - Google sign in now supports signing in from different google platforms.
    • Last active authentication - You can now query the SDK through GetLastActivePlatform() to see which authentication method was last used on this device
    • Meta/Oculus - Added support for authentication using Meta/Oculus
    • Obfuscation - The SDK now obfuscates sensitive data before logging
    • List Player Characters - A new method to list all the characters that a player has

    Bug Fixes

    • Replace the game key with the Session Token in custom headers

    Unreal Server SDK


    • Support for UE 4.24 and up - LootLockerServerSDK now supports all Unreal versions from 4.24 to 5.2
    • Asset instance progressions - You can now use progressions on asset instances
    • Diagnostics data added to request headers.

    Bug Fixes

    • Guest player lookup now uses the correct search term
    • Hero methods use the correct HTTP methods
    • HTTP Client is only created once