
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlJanuary 27, 2023


    Web Console


    • Users are now able to add scores to players in leaderboards
    • Metadata added to scores in leaderboards is now visible, and updatable
    • You can now block white label users from leaderboards if they haven't verified their email
    • When creating an Asset we now remember the last Context used, making it easier to create multiple Assets in a row with the same Context

    Bug Fixes

    • Improved Player list pagination positioning for better visibility
    • Improved API Key descriptions for clarity
    • Fixed issue when adding scores to generic leaderboards
    • Fixed issue where refund button was cutoff in some scenarios
    • Fixed issue where it wasn't possible to delete messages
    • Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be shown the MFA recovery code after enabling it
    • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to use MFA recovery codes

    Game Maker Extension


    • Added a new function to include metadata when uploading a score; LootLockerSubmitScoreMetadata("leaderboardID", "score", "metadata")

    Game API


    • Player names will be returned when a new game session is registered (if the user has set a name)

    Bug Fixes

    • Requesting a verification email for white label users now works again, and can be requested with the users email, and not just ID like before
    • Improved error message when trying lookup a player on playerID, but sending a string
    • Improved errors when sending invalid version number in session registration

    Server API

    Bug Fixes

    • Improved error message when trying lookup a player by playerID, but sending a string Website

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with price calculator price using incorrect formatting
    • Fixed issue where images were covering up some text
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlDecember 16, 2022


    Web Console

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a few broken links in the getting started section. Thanks to Discord user @LegendarySwordsman2 for reporting this!

    Unity SDK


    • Deprecated leaderboard functions that uses leaderboardID -> use the same functions but with leaderboardKey instead

    Bug Fixes

    • Updating LootLocker will no longer remove the API-key and LootLocker settings
    • Fixes for the Unity asset-store
  • Author image
    Tobias BergDecember 9, 2022


    Web Console


    • Brand new merging interface rebuilt in React for viewing and selecting changes from your staging environment to your live.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug where the action button on the asset list would sometimes be half way cut off.

    Game API

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug causing Player Storage to silently fail to save if the value was above 260 characters, but below 15000. The actual length limit is now 1500 characters.
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlDecember 2, 2022


    Game Maker Extension

    Bug Fixes

    • LLPlayerRank(), LLPlayerScore() now returns their correct values

    Admin API


    • We added an brand new endpoint for listing players for your game, which should be much faster for games with large player bases than the old search endpoints "recent" option.
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusNovember 25, 2022


    Web Console


    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where creating a context would not respect user facing and detachable

    Admin API

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where creating a context would not respect user facing and detachable
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusNovember 18, 2022


    Web Console


    • Added the option to clear an entire leaderboard of all of it's data from the leaderboards page.
    • Added support for multiple API keys. You can now create multiple API keys for your game
    • We now show the variation ID for each variation, on the asset page

    Game API


    • Player name lookup endpoint now also returns players who don't have a name set

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix issue with starting session for games using a string in the value for development_mode

    Server API


    • Player name lookup endpoint now also returns players who don't have a name set

    Admin API


    • Prevent users with unverified email addresses to invite users to organizations
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusNovember 11, 2022


    Web Console

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where wrong 1st party platform id is returned instead of XBox id on player 1st party platform lookup endpoint.

    Admin API

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where sending demo: false when creating a game would still create a demo game.
    • Fixed a security issue where Two-Factor Authentication could be circumvented.
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlNovember 4, 2022


    Web Console


    • Added the ability to show Asset ID in asset lists.

    Unity SDK


    • Summaries added to all public functions in LootLockerSDKManager
    • Added documentation for Missions
    • Added documentation for Maps
    • Renamed functions in LootLockerSDKManager, and old ones marked as deprecated, will be removed at a later stage;
      • GettingAllMissions -> GetAllMissions
      • GettingASingleMission -> GetMission
      • StartingAMission -> StartMission
      • FinishingAMission -> FinishMission
      • GettingAllMaps -> GetAllMaps
      • PollingOrderStatus -> PollOrderStatus
      • ActivatingARentalAsset -> ActivateRentalAsset
      • GettingCollectables -> GetCollectables
      • CollectingAnItem -> CollectItem
      • TriggeringAnEvent -> ExecuteTrigger
      • ListingTriggeredTriggerEvents -> ListExecutedTriggers

    Bug Fixes

    • Imported samples has missing references to their scripts
    • Fixed all warnings when installing the SDK

    Game API


    • Added is_public as input when uploading files to players to make API usage easier.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bad error message returned for White Label Login signups when an invalid domain key was supplied. (Thanks to Discord user @DexTex for reporting)
  • Author image
    Alexander BergendahlOctober 28, 2022


    Web Console


    • Created a new UI for the assets page and User content pages
      • Revamped looks
      • You can now filter results
      • Possible to deactivate/activate multiple assets at the same time
      • Added a card view toggle
      • The UI is now full width to support showing many columns
    • Moved the User content moderation to a new main menu item
    • Search field doesn’t expand it’s bounds on focus
    • Moved the environment selector in platform settings, so it's in line with how you switch in other places
    • Added URL's for each tab in the player page, to make it easier to link to
    • Removed the possibility of flagging UGC assets

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where we would link to player on member type leaderboards, even though that's not possible

    Unity SDK

    Released v1.1.39


    • Apple Refresh tokens - Signing in with Apple now returns a refresh token that can be used to refresh the sign in until it expires instead of doing the full sign in flow.

    Bug Fixes

    • When a request fails, the HTTP Status Code will now be returned for inspection
    • EndSession no longer fails if called when no session is active
    • Stability work to White Label methods, also updated documentation of the methods
    • GetAssetInformation now works


    • Deprecated GetAssetInformation(string assetId, Action onComplete), is replaced by new method GetAssetInformation(int assetId, Action onComplete)
    • Deprecated StartWhiteLabelSession with password as an argument

    Game API


    • Add support for Asset Variations for Heroes. This allows for using variations on Heroes.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where deleting a player's profile did not delete the player's name (if provided).
    • Fixed issue resulting in moderation reports not being created

    Server API


    • Add support for Asset Variations for Heroes.

    Admin API


    • Added endpoint for getting leaderboard by ID

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where activating asset using /activate endpoint would not clear cache for asset list endpoints