You can now delete your own games. Find it in Game Settings.
Unity SDK
Release v1.2.0
Bug Fixes
Fixed the build errors of namespace Plastic not existing. We have moved to using an internal JSON library which you can find here: This removes the reliance on Newtonsoft all together. Please be vigilant for any bugs or errors that are caused by JSON parsing in the next few weeks and let us know.
Fixed an issue with the player pages, where players from Google and Epic Games would break the frontend.
Fixed an issue where Asset ULIDs would show up as changes in Game Merge, when it shouldn’t
Fixed an issue where creating a context, but using the default complexity, would set the wrong complexity in the backend. Issue is resolved and data has been updated for existing games which encountered this issue.
Unreal SDK
Epic Sign In - Added methods StartEpicSession and RefreshEpicSession, for more information go to our documentation
All LootLocker Responses now have an Error property (if there is an error) that is a cleaned up version of the FullTextFromServer property
Unity SDK
Epic Sign In - Added methods StartEpicSession and RefreshEpicSession, for more information go to our documentation
Added a method to register a progression without adding points to it
Bug Fixes
Added a client side rate limiter to avoid being blacklisted due to improper usage
Game API
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where starting sessions for Google and Epic required you to send development_mode in the request, this is no longer the case
The old progressions system has been hidden from the user interface.
We’ve colour coded the sidebar to make it more identifiable when you’re in staging and live. Stage mode remains green, and Live presents as Orange. Let us know what you think!
Bug Fixes
Leaderboards will now warn you if you try to create one with a conflicting key
Fixed an issue where clicking save on Image Types would create multiple
Fixed an issue allowing collectables to be created in Live mode
Fixed an issue with the validation of Max Title and Max Summary lengths
Fixed an issue with collectables sometimes returning an error
Fixed an issue allowing triggers to be created in Live mode
Fixed an issue with Nintendo icon on players
Game API
We’ve decided to turn on player verification for all new games, for Steam and PlayStation sessions. This means all sessions created for these platforms will need to be verified before the session can start. If you want to have this enabled for your existing game, please reach out on our discord or on email.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where some errors were not being returned correctly when starting guest and steam/psn/android sessions. It should be easier to figure out what an error is now.