
  • Author image
    Erik BylundNovember 4, 2024

    LootLocker Unity SDK v3.3.0

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    • Triggers 2.0 🕹️ - We’re excited to announce the re-release of one of LootLocker’s most versatile features—Triggers! This feature has undergone a complete overhaul and is now fully integrated with the same cross-feature rewards system that powers all our latest features. Triggers let you create and manage in-game actions tied to specific rewards, opening up countless opportunities to engage your players. Read more here
    • Notifications đź’¬ - Notifications serve as a shared system that integrates seamlessly with multiple features, including Rewards, Catalogs, Progressions, and Triggers. Acting as a central hub, Notifications track and communicate important player-related updates to the game, ensuring players stay informed about significant events and changes. Read more here
    • .com - The LootLocker api has transitioned to .com instead of .io in preparation for an eventual potential phase out of the TLD.
    • The version of the LootLocker SDK is now logged at start up time to help when reaching out to the team for support.
    • All session responses now contain the wallet_id of the player.
    • The define symbol LOOTLOCKER_DISABLE_EDITOR_EXTENSION has been added so that it is possible to disable the LootLocker editor extension.

    Bug Fixes

    • The LootLocker editor extension no longer logs out on compiles and builds.


    • With the introduction of Triggers 2.0, the old triggers system is deprecated. Adressing this will require you to re-configure your triggers in the new triggers configuration. To do this, please refer to our documentation. Once you have done this, simply call the new InvokeTriggersByKey method in place of the ExecuteTrigger method. For a deeper understanding of using triggers in game, refer to our documentation.
    • Group leaderboard rewards no longer contain the metadata field as it's no longer returned from the backend.
  • Author image
    Erik BylundNovember 4, 2024

    LootLocker Unreal SDK v5.2.0

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    • Triggers 2.0 🕹️ - We’re excited to announce the re-release of one of LootLocker’s most versatile features—Triggers! This feature has undergone a complete overhaul and is now fully integrated with the same cross-feature rewards system that powers all our latest features. Triggers let you create and manage in-game actions tied to specific rewards, opening up countless opportunities to engage your players. Read more here
    • Notifications đź’¬ - Notifications serve as a shared system that integrates seamlessly with multiple features, including Rewards, Catalogs, Progressions, and Triggers. Acting as a central hub, Notifications track and communicate important player-related updates to the game, ensuring players stay informed about significant events and changes. Read more here
    • .com - The LootLocker api has transitioned to .com instead of .io in preparation for an eventual potential phase out of the TLD.
    • The version of the LootLocker SDK is now logged at start up time to help when reaching out to the team for support.
    • All session responses now contain the wallet_id of the player.


    • Hero loadout now correctly contains an array of loadout items instead of a single loadout


    • With the introduction of Triggers 2.0, the old triggers system is deprecated. Adressing this will require you to re-configure your triggers in the new triggers configuration. To do this, please refer to our documentation. Once you have done this, simply call the new InvokeTriggersByKey method in place of the ExecuteTrigger method. For a deeper understanding of using triggers in game, refer to our documentation.
  • Author image
    Erik BylundNovember 4, 2024

    LootLocker Unreal SDK v3.2.0

    Find it here


    • Leaderboard Archives - LootLocker leaderboard archives are now supported by the Server SDK.
    • SDK Version logging - The version of the LootLocker Server SDK is now logged at start up time to help when reaching out to the team for support.
    • Add player session token lookup - You can now look up a player using their session token. Use this to verify that a client token is indeed for the player that the client says they are.
    • Succesful request logging - When configured as very verbose and in the editor, the SDK will now log successful requst data as well.
    • .com - The LootLocker api has transitioned to .com instead of .io in preparation for an eventual potential phase out of the TLD.

    Bug Fixes

    • The array in Universal Inventory response is now correctly named, handling json parsing correctly
    • The Asset Instance Storage operation responses are now single items making json parsing function correctly
    • The character inventory and hero inventory requests now work, the endpoints were incorrectly named
  • New Feature: Metadata hero image
    Author image
    Benjamin CableOctober 10, 2024

    New Feature: Metadata

    Today we launched a brand new cross-system feature, Metadata. Metadata allows you to store additional, custom information related to various LootLocker features, such as Progressions, Leaderboards, and Catalogs.

    This data lets you add context or functionality to these features, going beyond the default settings. For example, you might use Metadata to store map details for a leaderboard or to attach an image to an item in your in-game store.

    Check out our documentation to learn how to implement Metadata in your game.

  • New Feature: Feedback hero image
    Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 12, 2024

    New Feature: Feedback

    Today we launched a brand new feature, Feedback. The Feedback feature allows you to create and manage reports across three different core LootLocker systems: Players, UGC, and the Game itself. Learn more about this feature in our announcement post.

    Check out our documentation to learn how to implement Feedback in your game.

  • Error Handling hero image
    Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 5, 2024

    Error Handling

    We have updated how errors in the LootLocker web console are displayed.

    When recieving an error you now are provided with plain-text information about what went wrong as well as a Trace ID that you can copy and share in Discord so that we can help fix the problem.

  • Author image
    Tobias BergAugust 22, 2024

    CORS Allowlist

    A new feature has been added to the API that allows you to specify a list of domains that are allowed to make requests to the API. This is useful if you want to restrict access to the API to only your own domains.

    Documentation can be found here.

  • Reward Groups hero image
    Author image
    Benjamin CableAugust 15, 2024

    Reward Groups

    It's now possible to create reward groups in LootLocker.

    • Reward groups allows multiple rewards to be awarded to a player at once.
    • This is currently available for catalogs and leaderboards rewards.

    To learn more you can read our announcement post.

  • Leaderboard Scheduling hero image
    Author image
    Tobias BergApril 2, 2024

    Leaderboard Scheduling

    An update to leaderboards have been released, allowing for scheduling of resets and rewards.

    • CRON expressions can be used to schedule resets.
    • Rewards can be awards to players based on their leaderboard position.

    To read more about leaderboard scheduling you can read our announcement post or go straight to the documentation.
