has been added so that it is possible to disable the LootLocker editor extension.InvokeTriggersByKey
method in place of the ExecuteTrigger
method. For a deeper understanding of using triggers in game, refer to our documentation.Today we launched a brand new cross-system feature, Metadata. Metadata allows you to store additional, custom information related to various LootLocker features, such as Progressions, Leaderboards, and Catalogs.
This data lets you add context or functionality to these features, going beyond the default settings. For example, you might use Metadata to store map details for a leaderboard or to attach an image to an item in your in-game store.
Check out our documentation to learn how to implement Metadata in your game.
Today we launched a brand new feature, Feedback. The Feedback feature allows you to create and manage reports across three different core LootLocker systems: Players, UGC, and the Game itself. Learn more about this feature in our announcement post.
Check out our documentation to learn how to implement Feedback in your game.
We have updated how errors in the LootLocker web console are displayed.
When recieving an error you now are provided with plain-text information about what went wrong as well as a Trace ID that you can copy and share in Discord so that we can help fix the problem.
A new feature has been added to the API that allows you to specify a list of domains that are allowed to make requests to the API. This is useful if you want to restrict access to the API to only your own domains.
Documentation can be found here.
It's now possible to create reward groups in LootLocker.
To learn more you can read our announcement post.
An update to leaderboards have been released, allowing for scheduling of resets and rewards.
To read more about leaderboard scheduling you can read our announcement post or go straight to the documentation.