
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusOctober 20, 2023


    This week we shipped our new Base and Hero Class System, as well as the long anticipated Economy System.

    Web Console


    • Our new Base and Hero Class System has launched, with a much improved UI. Find it in the Console under Systems.
    • Economy has been launched. This also brings a fresh new UI for managing your games Economy and Currencies. Find it in the Console under Content.

    Unity SDK


    • Economy - LootLocker's economy system is released 🎉 With this you can now create virtual currencies, in game economies, and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

    Bug Fixes

    • The LootLocker Editor extension that shipped in v1.2.6 had a few bugs that have now been fixed.
      • Primarily, the build error for a rouge [HideInEditor] decorator has been fixed
      • Adding the SDK from github url should now work
    • The new flag on messages is fixed

    Unreal SDK


    • Economy - LootLocker's economy system is released 🎉 With this you can now create virtual currencies, in game economies, and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.
    • Improved Errors - The way that LootLocker tells you what's wrong has changed. Instead of the Response.Error field there's now a structure: Response.ErrorData that contains some more valuable information. Read more here:
    • Exposed method CreateHeroWithVariation to Blueprints
    • Added ability to equip global asset with the default variation for heroes
    • Added Public_UID to the authentication responses

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed build problems for Unreal Engine 5.3 when packaging for Linux

    Game API


    • The Game API of course benefits from the new Economy System, allowing you to use virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

    Server API


    • The Server API of course also benefits from the new Economy System, allowing you to use virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.

    Admin API


    • The Admin API of course also supports the new Economy System, allowing you to create virtual currencies, in game economies and so much more. Read more in our blog post announcing the release.
  • Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 29, 2023


    Web Console

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with not being able to view players using the legacy Google platform

    Unity SDK


    • GetProgressionTier - You can now get the tiers in a progression!
    • Admin extension - If you're using Unity 2021 or newer, look at a new way to manage API Keys inside Unity! You can find it under Tools/LootLocker/Menu on the top of Unity!

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the MacFsWatcher include error
    • Errors return correctly again
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusSeptember 22, 2023


    Unreal Engine


    LootLocker Unreal SDKs now support Unreal Engine 5.3 🎉

  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusSeptember 15, 2023


    Web Console

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where the price on assets could be hidden by mistake in a situation where it should be shown.

    Game API

    Bug Fixes

    • A bug was fixed which had caused duplicate white label users to be created. The duplicate users have been removed, but this means some white label users who changed their password, might have the wrong password on their user now.

    Admin API


  • Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 8, 2023


    Web Console


    • Users will be asked to confirm their game name on game deletion as an extra precaution

    Unity SDK v1.2.5


    • Meta/Oculus - Added support for authentication using Meta/Oculus
    • Last active authentication - You can now query the SDK through GetLastActivePlatform() to see which authentication method was last used on this device
    • Heroes - The SDK now supports interaction with the hero feature.
    • List Player Characters - A new method to list all the characters that a player has
    • Improved error messages - We are revamping how we deal with error messages (See and the SDK now supports this structure. This means that the old Error data (response.Error) has been deprecated, the same data now lives inside the field response.errorData.message. Along with it, you now have the new fields code, doc_url, request_id, and trace_id for improved ability to find the fix for your problem.

    Unreal SDK v2.0.11


    • Multiple Google Platforms - Google sign in now supports signing in from different google platforms.
    • Last active authentication - You can now query the SDK through GetLastActivePlatform() to see which authentication method was last used on this device
    • Meta/Oculus - Added support for authentication using Meta/Oculus
    • Obfuscation - The SDK now obfuscates sensitive data before logging
    • List Player Characters - A new method to list all the characters that a player has

    Bug Fixes

    • Replace the game key with the Session Token in custom headers

    Unreal Server SDK


    • Support for UE 4.24 and up - LootLockerServerSDK now supports all Unreal versions from 4.24 to 5.2
    • Asset instance progressions - You can now use progressions on asset instances
    • Diagnostics data added to request headers.

    Bug Fixes

    • Guest player lookup now uses the correct search term
    • Hero methods use the correct HTTP methods
    • HTTP Client is only created once
  • Author image
    Tobias BergSeptember 1, 2023


    Web Console


    • Our new pricing is released, and you can now see it in the console! You can read more about it here:

    Bug Fixes

    • You can once again delete Server API keys in the console.
    • The colors for the player list environment pill now follow the same color scheme as the rest of the console.
    • Fixed an issue where Data Entities couldn’t be deleted

    Game API


    • We have improved the performance and reliability of session registration for Sign in with Apple and Google Sign In.
  • Author image
    Tobias BergAugust 18, 2023


    Web Console


    • You can now choose which of your Asset Image Types to use as a thumbnail in the LootLocker Console! Go here to set it up:

    Game API


    • A large rework of Player Storage has been completed this week, resulting in much better performance and stability. We did have a few issues immediately surrounding the launch of this as some of you might have noticed. These have been resolved and everything is running smoothly now!

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue where promoting asset candidates with thumbnails attached, would not work for some games.

    Admin API


    • Added the ability to mark an Asset Image Type as thumbnail, resulting in thumbnail images being returned in the Admin API.
  • Author image
    Johannes FornaeusAugust 11, 2023


    Web Console


    • We have introduced Access Control which allows you to control which users have access to which features. This is a feature that has been requested by many of you and we are happy to finally be able to provide it. You can find it in the Game Settings page. You can also read more about it here:
    • Updated the side menu for Assets, moving Contexts from Game Settings to the Asset menu
    • Improved the Add Asset menu, making it possible to create Contexts when creating new Assets
    • Users can update their name in settings

    Admin API


    • Added support for Access Control


    Our documentation has seen various updates and improvements these last few weeks, including:

    • Updated screenshots for the Web Console
    • Updated and improved examples for both Unreal Blueprints, C++ and Unity
    • We have added a section on getting help:
  • Author image
    Tobias BergJuly 7, 2023


    Game API

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue related to White Label Login, where enabling “Block Unverified Players” would not function correctly, causing player to not be prevented from logging in. It now works as intended.