Today we launched a brand new feature, Feedback. The Feedback feature allows you to create and manage reports across three different core LootLocker systems: Players, UGC, and the Game itself. Learn more about this feature in our announcement post.
Check out our documentation to learn how to implement Feedback in your game.
We have updated how errors in the LootLocker web console are displayed.
When recieving an error you now are provided with plain-text information about what went wrong as well as a Trace ID that you can copy and share in Discord so that we can help fix the problem.
A new feature has been added to the API that allows you to specify a list of domains that are allowed to make requests to the API. This is useful if you want to restrict access to the API to only your own domains.
Documentation can be found here.
It's now possible to create reward groups in LootLocker.
To learn more you can read our announcement post.
An update to leaderboards have been released, allowing for scheduling of resets and rewards.
To read more about leaderboard scheduling you can read our announcement post or go straight to the documentation.
We have significantly improved our continuous integration and testing. Here for example is the run for this release:
#include "LootLockerServerSDK/Private/ServerAPI/<file>.h;
include line. Instead use #include "LootLockerServerSDK/Public/ServerAPI/<file>.h;
This week we have added economy support to our progression system, meaning you can now reward currencies from any progression.
Additionally we have also recently shipped two major updates to our SDKs.
Unity SDK v2.0.0 Released
v2.0.0 removes a lot of code that has previosly been deprecated, you can read more in our docs about what that means.
bool Init(string apiKey, string gameVersion, string domainKey)
void StartSession(string deviceId, Action<LootLockerSessionResponse> onComplete)
is removed. If you're using this method you need to switch over to the topical start session methods instead. For example if you were using this to start a session for Android, then you should now use StartAndroidSession instead. If you're unsure of what to use, we recommend Guest or White Label.void EndSession(Action<LootLockerSessionResponse> onComplete)
insteadStartWhiteLabelSession(Action<LootLockerSessionResponse> onComplete)
. Or even better, replace the separate Login and StartSession calls with using WhiteLabelLoginAndStartSession
renamed to LootLockerActivateRentalAssetResponse
renamed to LootLockerGetCollectablesResponse
renamed to LootLockerCollectItemResponse
renamed to LootLockerFinishMissionRequest
renamed to LootLockerGetAllMissionsResponse
renamed to LootLockerGetMissionResponse
renamed to LootLockerStartMissionResponse
renamed to LootLockerFinishMissionResponse
renamed to LootLockerExecuteTriggerRequest
renamed to LootLockerExecuteTriggerResponse
renamed to LootLockerListAllTriggersResponse
renamed to GetCollectables
renamed to CollectItem
renamed to GetAllMaps
renamed to GetAllMissions
renamed to GetMission
renamed to StartMission
renamed to FinishMission
renamed to PollOrderStatus
renamed to ActivateRentalAsset
renamed to ExecuteTrigger
renamed to ListAllExecutedTriggers
Unreal SDK v3.0.0 Released
v3.0.0 removes a lot of code that has previosly been deprecated, you can read more in our docs about what that means.
void StartSession(const FString& PlayerIdentifier, const FAuthResponseBP& OnStartedSessionRequestCompleted)
is removed. If you're using this method you need to switch over to the topical start session methods instead. For example if you were using this to start a session for Android, then you should now use StartAndroidSession instead. If you're unsure of what to use, we recommend Guest or White Label. Along with this the configuration of Platform in LootLockers config file is removed.GetAllKeyValuePairsToAnInstanceForAssetInstance
renamed to GetAllKeyValuePairsForAssetInstance